Ocean Renewable Energy Group (OREG)

on Wednesday, January 28, 2009


The Ocean Renewable Energy Group (OREG) aligns industry, academia and government to ensure that Canada is a leader in providing ocean energy solutions to a world market.

OREG is a national organization, with over 115 Canadian and international members.

Ocean Energy

Ocean Energy in Canada information pamphlet

The term “ocean energy” is used to describe the harnessing of power found in ocean waves, tidal flows, and salinity and temperature gradients.

  • Wave energy can be considered a concentrated form of solar energy.
  • The sun's radiation heats the surface of the ocean creating wind, which in turn creates waves.
  • Regions considered to have “good” wave energy resources are generally those found within 40 to 60 degrees of latitude, where the strongest winds are found.
  • The largest waves are formed in regions where the wind blows over the water the furthest, the longest "fetch", often the west coasts of continents.

  • Modern tidal technology developments are focusing on the harnessing of tidal "streams" or "currents". These are found in regions with high tidal ranges and natural constrictions such as straights, narrows or fjords. This movement of water is also enhanced by the differential heating of the ocean water column which creates deep water currents.
  • There are numerous methods of harnessing wave and tidal energy that are currently under various stages of R&D and demonstration. For more information on any of these technologies please see our library.

Excellent resources on ocean energy are available at:

British Wind Energy Association Marine Renewable Energy
MMS Ocean Energy Kids Brochure
World Energy Council Survey of Energy Resources
California Energy Commission
The Carbon Trust - Technical Overview of Wave and Tidal Stream Energy
Wave Energy Centre Ocean Energy Glossary

Source Ocean Renewable Energy Group


on Friday, January 23, 2009

HyRadix , a Companiy in Iowa has recently been bought by Eden Energy in Australia. Hyradix has a preoprietary authothermal reforming techology.

  • Advantages of autothermal reforming
  • There are multiple benefits to HyRadix's® proprietary autothermal reforming technology compared to alternative on-site technologies.
  • High EfficiencyHyRadix's proprietary autothermal reforming technology is significantly different from autothermal reforming as it has been practiced in the past.

Historically, there have been two separate catalyst beds -

  • one for the partial oxidation catalyst
  • one for the steam reforming catalyst.

The heat from the partial oxidation reactor had to be transferred to the steam reforming reactor at a high temperature, resulting in significantly lower process efficiencies and mechanical challenges.

HyRadix's autothermal reforming technology is far more effective because the reaction heat is generated in-situ; therefore, there is no need for an external heat source to supply heat directly to the autothermal reactor.

high efficiency

The result is a simple, low-cost and robust reactor design.

Operational Flexibility

  • The monolith catalyst structure allows for good flow distribution even during turndown conditions as low as 25% of design.
  • Therefore, this prevents hot spots that could cause coking, as in some steam methane reforming (SMR) processes under similar turndown conditions.
  • The direct heating and lower peak temperatures of the autothermal reactor also enable fast startup time.

Heat Requirement

In order to achieve an effective reforming reaction, it is essential that the required heat is available throughout the reaction. The best way to achieve this result is to generate the heat in the same location as it is needed ("in-situ").

  • The bi-functional monolith autothermal reforming catalyst is able to generate the heat required to complete the reforming reaction in the same reactor space where that reforming reaction takes place.
  • This allows for operation with lower peak process temperatures and avoids complex heat transfer equipment.

Corporate Headquarters(including general inquiries) 175 West Oakton StreetDes Plaines, IL USA60018-1834

Edan Buys HyRadix

Australia-based Eden Energy has sold all the shares in its two US subsidiary companies including Eden Hydrogen, the parent company of HyRadix.

  • Eden had acquired US-based HyRadix, a company specialising in on-site autothermal reforming systems for the production of hydrogen from methane or LPG, in 2007.
  • The sale to an unnamed Australian company did not include any of the assets or liabilities of Hythane Company, which Eden set up in 2004. Hythane is a mix of hydrogen and natural gas.
  • The sale also did not include Eden’s wholly owned Indian subsidiary, Eden Energy (India) Private Limited, which will continue to actively market the Hythane and dual fuel technology in India.

The purchaser has agreed to supply to Eden and install in India, free of charge, the first HyRadix Aptus 100 hydrogen reformer which is currently being built in India and which is hoped to occur before the end of March 2009.

  • This reformer is planned to be used by Hythane Company to supply hydrogen to the first Hythane bus demonstration project in India which is now planned for some time around mid-2009.
  • The new owner also will supply to Eden any additional Aptus reformers required by Eden or its subsidiaries for a period of five years (with a right to renew) commencing from settlement at cost price plus 10%, provided that these reformers cannot be resold for production of hydrogen for industrial gas purposes.
  • The sale of assets raised A$7.6M (US$5 million), A$2 million of which was for Eden Hydrogen Eden Cryogenics, the other US subsidiary sold.

Source: Fuel Cell Today

EPA Webcast Landfill Gas to Energy

on Monday, January 19, 2009

EPA Local Clean Energy Webcast, February 5: Landfill Gas to Energy

Filed under: Local Initiatives, Renewable Energy — Laura B. @ 2:13 pm

EPA’s Clean Energy-Environment Municipal Network is kicking off the 2009 series of webcast trainings targeted to local governments with a webcast on how local governments can use landfill methane to generate energy. EPA and local government experts will provide an overview of the benefits of using landfill gas, tools and resources for local governments, financing information, and examples of local governments that have successfully implemented landfill gas to energy projects.

The webcast will be held on February 5, 2009, from 2:00 – 3:30 PM (Eastern). To register for the webcast, send an e-mail with your name and affiliation to: CleanEnergyWebcast@icfi.com.

You will receive a confirmation email with registration information within 24 hours.
Registrants can access a draft section of EPA’s Clean Energy Strategies for Local Governments guide that discusses landfill methane utilization as background for the call at http://epa.gov/cleanenergy/documents/7.4_landfill_methane_utilization.pdf.
Additional information is available from EPA’s Landfill Methane Outreach Program at http://www.epa.gov/lmop/.

Future webcast topics may include energy efficiency in affordable housing, combined heat and power, transportation control measures, smart growth, and urban heat islands. Priority for registration will be given to local and regional government staff and officials. EPA will record and post all webcasts on its Clean Energy website. For additional information, or to view past webcasts, visit http://epa.gov/cleanenergy/energy-programs/state-and-local/webcast.html.

More @ Envirobits

Second Generation Bio Fuels Plant Open in Quebec, one coming in Edmonton

From Canadian Company Enerkem
Second-generation biofuels is the term used to refer to the next generation of fuels, which are not produced from plants that are part of the food chain. They are produced from a large base of biomass materials, including waste from urban, forestry, and agricultural sources as well as municipal solid waste.

First-generation biofuels or agrofuels are produced from sugar-rich crops such as corn, sugar cane, and wheat.

Second generation biofuels can be produced from:

  • The non-sucrose and non-starch parts of plants, which are often left in the field after harvesting, crushing, or milling (e.g.: bagasse, corn stover, wheat straw, and rice hulls);
  • Residual forest biomass (e.g.: thinnings, limbs, tops, needles, sawdust, and bark
    Cellulose is the most important component of these materials, hence the term "cellulosic fuels".Second-generation fuels can also be produced from other carbon-rich waste materials, such as municipal solid waste.
  • In this case, only the non-recyclable and non-reusable portion of urban waste is considered. This waste (ultimate residues) is currently landfilled.

Cellulosic ethanol

Cellulose is the most important component of these materials, hence the term "cellulosic fuels".
Second-generation fuels can also be produced from other carbon-rich waste materials, such as municipal solid waste. In this case, only the non-recyclable and non-reusable portion of urban waste is considered. This waste (ultimate residues) is currently landfilled.

Cellulosic ethanol is the best known of the second-generation fuels.

  • It is an alcohol that is composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.

It can be used as industrial ethanol or as ethanol fuel.

Ethanol fuel is a renewable, non-toxic, water-soluble, and highly biodegradable biofuel.

Other second-generation biofuels
Other second-generation biofuels are also emerging, including:

  • biomethanol
  • dimethyl ether
  • synthetic diesel
  • synthetic gasoline.


There are three primary benefits of second-generation biofuels.

  1. First, second-generation biofuels reduce greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions by using waste materials and residues that would otherwise decompose into methane when land-filled. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 21 times more harmful than CO2. These biofuels further contribute to reducing GHGs by replacing gasoline that is produced from petroleum. According to the US Department of Energy's GREET model, cellulosic ethanol has the potential to reduce GHGs by up to 87 % compared to gasoline.
  2. Second, by diversifying our energy sources, second-generation biofuels reduce our dependence on petroleum as our main source of energy.
  3. Finally, second-generation biofuels reduce and ultimately eliminate the use of landfill for many waste materials by converting them into fuel for our cars.

Second-generation fuel-production technologies can generally be divided into two types:

  • Enzymatic (or biological) technologies;
  • Thermo-chemical technologies.

The enzymatic technologies seek to recover and ferment sugars that are found in lignocellulosic (tree and plant) materials. These technologies target forest biomass, particularly less-costly forestry residues, including those produced by saw and paper mills. The challenge of this approach is its ability to recover sugars in these lignocellulosic materials. The sugars are "imprisoned" in complex structures (presence of crystals and lignin, etc.) and it is hard to break down these lignocellulosic materials since nature engineered them to last (which is exactly why we use wood to build houses and other things that we want to last). These technologies aim at recovering the sugars using engineered enzymes to break down the tree and plant material, after which it is possible to hydrolyze the cellulose into glucose, from which ethanol is easily made. Engineering of these new enzymes is still at the research stage.

  • Additionally, this approach only applies to very homogenous materials (feedstock that is composed entirely of one type of trees, for instance), since the enzymes and the microorganisms that ferment sugars do not adapt to materials that may fluctuate in chemical composition. Simply put, enzymatic processes are not ready to produce biofuel at market prices and are currently unable to use mixed waste materials to help reduce land-filling.

The thermo-chemical technologies, such as Enerkem's, use heat to convert carbon-rich materials into gas.

This gas is then purified so it can be transformed into alcohols such as methanol and ethanol.

It is also possible to produce other fuels, such as synthetic diesel, synthetic gasoline and di-methyl ether as well as chemical products.

Enerkem is one of very few companies that has developed advanced gas purification technology. This allows Enerkem to use heterogeneous (mixed) raw materials that may contain impurities, such as end-wastes that would otherwise be land-filled.

Development phase

Several companies around the world are currently working toward developing technologies for producing cellulosic ethanol on a commercial scale. Other than Enerkem, very few of these companies have arrived at the commercial-demonstration stage.

More @ Enerkem

A Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board (RAAT Board)

I'm not sure they see the joke yet, but the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act being proposed by the house aims at "unprecedented accountability, and will set up a board that will report on unintended use of funds, and protect fraud whistle blowers:

... no kidding, the summary proposes a RAAT Board.

...A Recovery Act Accountability and Transparency Board will be created to review management of recovery dollars and provide early warning of problems. The seven member board includes Inspectors General and Deputy Cabinet secretaries.
• The Government Accountability Office and the Inspectors General are provided additional funding and access for special review of recovery funding.
• State and local whistleblowers who report fraud and abuse are protected.

The House Democrats' Stimulus Good for Green

[Jan 15th] House Democrats revealed their proposed stimulus package totaling $825 billion. As hoped, money for renewable energy and efficiency make up 54 billion of those dollars.The biggest proportion, $11 billion, would go towards creating a smart grid, which is dramatically shy of the $400 billion Al Gore thinks should be set aside. Here's a list of some of the larger energy incentives.

  • $11 billion for investment in smart-grid technologies
  • $8 billion in loan guarantees for renewable energy and transmission
  • $6.9 billion for energy efficiency help to state and local governments
  • $6.7 billion for retrofits to federal buildings
  • $6.2 billion for home weatherization, targeted at low-income families
  • $2.4 billion for carbon sequestration
  • $2 billion for loans guarantees and grants to automobile battery-makers
Feed reported @ Ecogeek from Greeninc

Protonex Technology

on Friday, January 16, 2009

About Protonex Technology Corporation

Protonex Technology Corporation develops and manufactures compact, lightweight and high-
performance fuel cell systems for portable power applications in the 100 to 1000-watt range.

  • The Company’s fuel cell systems are designed to meet the needs of military, commercial, consumer and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) customers for off-grid applications underserved by existing technologies by providing customizable, stand-alone portable power solutions and systems that may be hybridized with existing power technologies.

The Company is based in Southborough, Massachusetts.

AlumiFuel Power, Inc.

Jan 16, 2009.

Inhibition Theraputic Inc

announced today that it is moving forward under its previously announced Agreement in Principle to acquire HPI Partners, LLC (“HPIP”) and its operating subsidiary AlumiFuel Power, Inc. (“APl”) of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

HPIP, through API, is an alternative energy company that is working to commercialize a process for generating hydrogen gas and steam on-site and on-demand for multiple niche applications. The parties are targeting to complete the definitive agreement in late January.

Terms of the Agreement call for the members of HPIP to receive up to $12 million of Inhibiton common stock in exchange for all of the outstanding membership interests in HPIP including ownership of API and its intellectual property and business operations. Completion of this transaction is subject to further due diligence, the negotiation and execution of a definitive acquisition agreement, any necessary board of director, stockholder or member approvals, and other customary closing conditions.

  • The Company also announced that API recently completed a fuel mixture optimization study for a major defense contractor.
  • The study was commissioned to analyze the effect of the chemical composition and morphology of its “AlumiFuel” powder mixtures and particles on temperature and pressure ranges for generation of superheated steam and hydrogen gas related to development of turbine-based power systems for underwater propulsion applications.
  • While this contract will produce a small amount of revenue, API believes this to be a precursor to more substantial future contracts related to underwater propulsion systems and auxiliary power systems under the auspices of the major defense contractor.
  • In addition, API and a major fuel cell manufacturer/systems integrator are jointly exploring the use of AlumiFuel-generated hydrogen as a fuel source for the integrator’s fuel cell power unit that serves a variety of back-up, auxiliary, remote and mobile applications.

About AlumiFuel Power, Inc.

  • API is a an early production stage alternative energy company that generates hydrogen gas and steam for multiple niche applications requiring on-site, on-demand fuel sources.
  • AlumiFuel-generated hydrogen drives fuel cells for back-up and portable power, fills inflatable devices such as weather balloons, and can replace costly, hard-to-handle and high pressure K-Cylinders.
  • Its steam/hydrogen combination is also being designed to drive turbine-based underwater propulsion systems and auxiliary power systems. The company has significant differentiators in performance, adaptability, safety and cost-effectiveness in its target market applications, with no external power required and no toxic chemicals or by-products.
  • API’s technology is based on the exothermic reaction of aluminum powder and water, combined with proprietary additives which act as catalysts, initiators and reactants.
  • Novel packaging of the aluminum powder and additives into cartridges enables them to be inserted into a generator/reactor, where an infusion of water results in the rapid generation of highly pure hydrogen and steam.
  • The company has an outstanding IP portfolio, including new patent filings embodying its unique and independent technology, and significant proprietary know-how regarding the practical ability to engineer desired reactions at required scales and rates.
  • API’s lab and offices are located in the Philadelphia Science Center in downtown Philadelphia, where it has access to world class testing instruments and technical talent.
  • The company has a seasoned management team and an experienced and dedicated technical team, as well as close working relationships with major industry players as path-to-market partners including major defense contractors and commercial fabricators of the company’s reactors and cartridge products on an outsourcing basis.

About Inhibiton Therapeutics, Inc.

  • Inhibiton Therapeutics, Inc. is a nominally capitalized development stage company focused on biotechnology research, development and potential commercialization of technologies and products for new cancer therapeutic agents and cancer fighting drugs called targeted therapies.
  • The focus of the Company’s research is a protocol to investigate the effect of PKC isozymes on the regulation of various cancer cells including brain and breast cancer, which Inhibiton began funding in September 2004.

The Rest from Earth Times Business Wire

Fuel Cell Corridor

on Thursday, January 15, 2009

(from thier Br0uchure)

Ohio is the top destination for the fuel cell industry. Ohio is internationally recognized as a global center for the fuel cell industry. Here, there is a unique combination of knowledge, resources and infrastructure to support the development of this clean and efficient energy technology.

Ohio's advantages include a coordinated partnership of government, industry and
universities (which creates efficiencies in bringing viable products to market) as
well as an existing manufacturing/advanced materials network and exemplary
government funding and legal/regulatory framework.

The result is a hotbed of fuel cell businesses that are making real products today.

Fuel Cell Corridor web site

Investment in and Loans for Renewable Companies

The enery-independance-and-security-act-of 2007 legislation bears further examination for those starting up or buy interests in Rewnewabel Energy Companies:



(a) IN GENERAL.—Section 303 of the Small Business Investment
Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 683) is amended by adding at the end
the following:

‘‘(k) ENERGY SAVING DEBENTURES.—In addition to any other
authority under this Act, a small business investment company
licensed in the first fiscal year after the date of enactment of
this subsection or any fiscal year thereafter may issue Energy
Saving debentures.’’.

(b) DEFINITIONS.—Section 103 of the Small Business Investment
Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 662) is amended—
(1) in paragraph (16), by striking ‘‘and’’ at the end;
(2) in paragraph (17), by striking the period at the end
and inserting a semicolon; and
(3) by adding at the end the following:
‘‘(18) the term ‘Energy Saving debenture’ means a deferred
interest debenture that—

  • (A) is issued at a discount;
  • ‘‘(B) has a 5-year maturity or a 10-year maturity;
  • ‘‘(C) requires no interest payment or annual charge
    for the first 5 years;
  • ‘‘(D) is restricted to Energy Saving qualified investments;
  • ‘‘(E) is issued at no cost (as defined in section 502
    of the Credit Reform Act of 1990) with respect to purchasing
    and guaranteeing the debenture; and

19) the term ‘Energy Saving qualified investment’ means
investment in a small business concern that is primarily
engaged in researching, manufacturing, developing, or providing
products, goods, or services that reduce the
the use or consumption of non-renewable energy resources.’’.

(The rest of the bill

The Enery Independance and Security Act of 2007

An Act:


  • move the United States toward greater energy independence and security
  • to increase the production of clean renewable fuels,
  • to protect consumers,
  • to increase the efficiency of products, buildings, and vehicles,
  • to promote research on and deploy greenhouse gas capture and storage options,
  • and to improve the energy performance of the Federal Government,
  • and for other purposes.


Subtitle A—Increased Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standards
Sec. 101. Short title.
Sec. 102. Average fuel economy standards for automobiles and certain other vehicles.
Sec. 103. Definitions.
Sec. 104. Credit trading program.
Sec. 105. Consumer information.
Sec. 106. Continued applicability of existing standards.
Sec. 107. National Academy of Sciences studies.
Sec. 108. National Academy of Sciences study of medium-duty and heavy-duty
truck fuel economy.
Sec. 109. Extension of flexible fuel vehicle credit program.
Sec. 110. Periodic review of accuracy of fuel economy labeling procedures.
Sec. 111. Consumer tire information.
Sec. 112. Use of civil penalties for research and development.
Sec. 113. Exemption from separate calculation requirement.

Subtitle B—Improved Vehicle Technology
Sec. 131. Transportation electrification.
Sec. 132. Domestic manufacturing conversion grant program.
Sec. 133. Inclusion of electric drive in Energy Policy Act of 1992.
Sec. 134. Loan guarantees for fuel-efficient automobile parts manufacturers.
Sec. 135. Advanced battery loan guarantee program.
Sec. 136. Advanced technology vehicles manufacturing incentive program.
Subtitle C—Federal Vehicle Fleets
Sec. 141. Federal vehicle fleets.
Sec. 142. Federal fleet conservation requirements.

H. R. 6—2


Subtitle A—Renewable Fuel Standard
Sec. 201. Definitions.
Sec. 202. Renewable fuel standard.
Sec. 203. Study of impact of Renewable Fuel Standard.
Sec. 204. Environmental and resource conservation impacts.
Sec. 205. Biomass based diesel and biodiesel labeling.
Sec. 206. Study of credits for use of renewable electricity in electric vehicles.
Sec. 207. Grants for production of advanced biofuels.
Sec. 208. Integrated consideration of water quality in determinations on fuels and
fuel additives.
Sec. 209. Anti-backsliding.
Sec. 210. Effective date, savings provision, and transition rules.

Subtitle B—Biofuels Research and Development
Sec. 221. Biodiesel.
Sec. 222. Biogas.
Sec. 223. Grants for biofuel production research and development in certain States.
Sec. 224. Biorefinery energy efficiency.
Sec. 225. Study of optimization of flexible fueled vehicles to use E–85 fuel.
Sec. 226. Study of engine durability and performance associated with the use of
Sec. 227. Study of optimization of biogas used in natural gas vehicles.
Sec. 228. Algal biomass.
Sec. 229. Biofuels and biorefinery information center.
Sec. 230. Cellulosic ethanol and biofuels research.
Sec. 231. Bioenergy research and development, authorization of appropriation.
Sec. 232. Environmental research and development.
Sec. 233. Bioenergy research centers.
Sec. 234. University based research and development grant program.
Subtitle C—Biofuels Infrastructure
Sec. 241. Prohibition on franchise agreement restrictions related to renewable fuel
Sec. 242. Renewable fuel dispenser requirements.
Sec. 243. Ethanol pipeline feasibility study.
Sec. 244. Renewable fuel infrastructure grants.
Sec. 245. Study of the adequacy of transportation of domestically-produced renewable
fuel by railroads and other modes of transportation.
Sec. 246. Federal fleet fueling centers.
Sec. 247. Standard specifications for biodiesel.
Sec. 248. Biofuels distribution and advanced biofuels infrastructure.

Subtitle D—Environmental Safeguards
Sec. 251. Waiver for fuel or fuel additives.


Subtitle A—Appliance Energy Efficiency
Sec. 301. External power supply efficiency standards.
Sec. 302. Updating appliance test procedures.
Sec. 303. Residential boilers.
Sec. 304. Furnace fan standard process.
Sec. 305. Improving schedule for standards updating and clarifying State authority.
Sec. 306. Regional standards for furnaces, central air conditioners, and heat
Sec. 307. Procedure for prescribing new or amended standards.
Sec. 308. Expedited rulemakings.
Sec. 309. Battery chargers.
Sec. 310. Standby mode.
Sec. 311. Energy standards for home appliances.
Sec. 312. Walk-in coolers and walk-in freezers.
Sec. 313. Electric motor efficiency standards.
Sec. 314. Standards for single package vertical air conditioners and heat pumps.
Sec. 315. Improved energy efficiency for appliances and buildings in cold climates.
Sec. 316. Technical corrections.
Subtitle B—Lighting Energy Efficiency
Sec. 321. Efficient light bulbs.

H. R. 6—3
Sec. 322. Incandescent reflector lamp efficiency standards.
Sec. 323. Public building energy efficient and renewable energy systems.
Sec. 324. Metal halide lamp fixtures.
Sec. 325. Energy efficiency labeling for consumer electronic products.

Sec. 401. Definitions.

Subtitle A—Residential Building Efficiency
Sec. 411. Reauthorization of weatherization assistance program.
Sec. 412. Study of renewable energy rebate programs.
Sec. 413. Energy code improvements applicable to manufactured housing.
Subtitle B—High-Performance Commercial Buildings
Sec. 421. Commercial high-performance green buildings.
Sec. 422. Zero Net Energy Commercial Buildings Initiative.
Sec. 423. Public outreach.

Subtitle C—High-Performance Federal Buildings
Sec. 431. Energy reduction goals for Federal buildings.
Sec. 432. Management of energy and water efficiency in Federal buildings.
Sec. 433. Federal building energy efficiency performance standards.
Sec. 434. Management of Federal building efficiency.
Sec. 435. Leasing.
Sec. 436. High-performance green Federal buildings.
Sec. 437. Federal green building performance.
Sec. 438. Storm water runoff requirements for Federal development projects.
Sec. 439. Cost-effective technology acceleration program.
Sec. 440. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 441. Public building life-cycle costs.

Subtitle D—Industrial Energy Efficiency
Sec. 451. Industrial energy efficiency.
Sec. 452. Energy-intensive industries program.
Sec. 453. Energy efficiency for data center buildings.
Subtitle E—Healthy High-Performance Schools
Sec. 461. Healthy high-performance schools.
Sec. 462. Study on indoor environmental quality in schools.
Subtitle F—Institutional Entities
Sec. 471. Energy sustainability and efficiency grants and loans for institutions.
Subtitle G—Public and Assisted Housing
Sec. 481. Application of International Energy Conservation Code to public and assisted

Subtitle H—General Provisions
Sec. 491. Demonstration project.
Sec. 492. Research and development.
Sec. 493. Environmental Protection Agency demonstration grant program for local
Sec. 494. Green Building Advisory Committee.
Sec. 495. Advisory Committee on Energy Efficiency Finance.


Subtitle A—United States Capitol Complex
Sec. 501. Capitol complex photovoltaic roof feasibility studies.
Sec. 502. Capitol complex E–85 refueling station.
Sec. 503. Energy and environmental measures in Capitol complex master plan.
Sec. 504. Promoting maximum efficiency in operation of Capitol power plant.
Sec. 505. Capitol power plant carbon dioxide emissions feasibility study and demonstration

Subtitle B—Energy Savings Performance Contracting
Sec. 511. Authority to enter into contracts; reports.
Sec. 512. Financing flexibility.
Sec. 513. Promoting long-term energy savings performance contracts and verifying

H. R. 6—4

Sec. 514. Permanent reauthorization.
Sec. 515. Definition of energy savings.
Sec. 516. Retention of savings.
Sec. 517. Training Federal contracting officers to negotiate energy efficiency contracts.
Sec. 518. Study of energy and cost savings in nonbuilding applications.

Subtitle C—Energy Efficiency in Federal Agencies

Sec. 521. Installation of photovoltaic system at Department of Energy headquarters
Sec. 522. Prohibition on incandescent lamps by Coast Guard.
Sec. 523. Standard relating to solar hot water heaters.
Sec. 524. Federally-procured appliances with standby power.
Sec. 525. Federal procurement of energy efficient products.
Sec. 526. Procurement and acquisition of alternative fuels.
Sec. 527. Government efficiency status reports.
Sec. 528. OMB government efficiency reports and scorecards.
Sec. 529. Electricity sector demand response.
Subtitle D—Energy Efficiency of Public Institutions
Sec. 531. Reauthorization of State energy programs.
Sec. 532. Utility energy efficiency programs.
Subtitle E—Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants
Sec. 541. Definitions.
Sec. 542. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program.
Sec. 543. Allocation of funds.
Sec. 544. Use of funds.
Sec. 545. Requirements for eligible entities.
Sec. 546. Competitive grants.
Sec. 547. Review and evaluation.
Sec. 548. Funding.


Subtitle A—Solar Energy
Sec. 601. Short title.
Sec. 602. Thermal energy storage research and development program.
Sec. 603. Concentrating solar power commercial application studies.
Sec. 604. Solar energy curriculum development and certification grants.
Sec. 605. Daylighting systems and direct solar light pipe technology.
Sec. 606. Solar Air Conditioning Research and Development Program.
Sec. 607. Photovoltaic demonstration program.

Subtitle B—Geothermal Energy
Sec. 611. Short title.
Sec. 612. Definitions.
Sec. 613. Hydrothermal research and development.
Sec. 614. General geothermal systems research and development.
Sec. 615. Enhanced geothermal systems research and development.
Sec. 616. Geothermal energy production from oil and gas fields and recovery and
production of geopressured gas resources.
Sec. 617. Cost sharing and proposal evaluation.
Sec. 618. Center for geothermal technology transfer.
Sec. 619. GeoPowering America.
Sec. 620. Educational pilot program.
Sec. 621. Reports.
Sec. 622. Applicability of other laws.
Sec. 623. Authorization of appropriations.
Sec. 624. International geothermal energy development.
Sec. 625. High cost region geothermal energy grant program.

Subtitle C—Marine and Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy Technologies
Sec. 631. Short title.
Sec. 632. Definition.
Sec. 633. Marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy research and development.
Sec. 634. National Marine Renewable Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration
Sec. 635. Applicability of other laws.
Sec. 636. Authorization of appropriations.

H. R. 6—5

Subtitle D—Energy Storage for Transportation and Electric Power

Sec. 641. Energy storage competitiveness.
Subtitle E—Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 651. Lightweight materials research and development.
Sec. 652. Commercial insulation demonstration program.
Sec. 653. Technical criteria for clean coal power Initiative.
Sec. 654. H-Prize.
Sec. 655. Bright Tomorrow Lighting Prizes.
Sec. 656. Renewable Energy innovation manufacturing partnership.

Subtitle A—Carbon Capture and Sequestration Research, Development, and

Sec. 701. Short title.
Sec. 702. Carbon capture and sequestration research, development, and demonstration
Sec. 703. Carbon capture.
Sec. 704. Review of large-scale programs.
Sec. 705. Geologic sequestration training and research.
Sec. 706. Relation to Safe Drinking Water Act.
Sec. 707. Safety research.
Sec. 708. University based research and development grant program.
Subtitle B—Carbon Capture and Sequestration Assessment and Framework
Sec. 711. Carbon dioxide sequestration capacity assessment.
Sec. 712. Assessment of carbon sequestration and methane and nitrous oxide emissions
from ecosystems.
Sec. 713. Carbon dioxide sequestration inventory.
Sec. 714. Framework for geological carbon sequestration on public land.

Subtitle A—Management Improvements
Sec. 801. National media campaign.
Sec. 802. Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline administration.
Sec. 803. Renewable energy deployment.
Sec. 804. Coordination of planned refinery outages.
Sec. 805. Assessment of resources.
Sec. 806. Sense of Congress relating to the use of renewable resources to generate
Sec. 807. Geothermal assessment, exploration information, and priority activities.

Subtitle B—Prohibitions on Market Manipulation and False Information
Sec. 811. Prohibition on market manipulation.
Sec. 812. Prohibition on false information.
Sec. 813. Enforcement by the Federal Trade Commission.
Sec. 814. Penalties.
Sec. 815. Effect on other laws.


Sec. 901. Definitions.
Subtitle A—Assistance to Promote Clean and Efficient Energy Technologies in
Foreign Countries
Sec. 911. United States assistance for developing countries.
Sec. 912. United States exports and outreach programs for India, China, and other
Sec. 913. United States trade missions to encourage private sector trade and investment.
Sec. 914. Actions by Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
Sec. 915. Actions by United States Trade and Development Agency.
Sec. 916. Deployment of international clean and efficient energy technologies and
investment in global energy markets.
Sec. 917. United States-Israel energy cooperation.
Subtitle B—International Clean Energy Foundation
Sec. 921. Definitions.

H. R. 6—6
Sec. 922. Establishment and management of Foundation.
Sec. 923. Duties of Foundation.
Sec. 924. Annual report.
Sec. 925. Powers of the Foundation; related provisions.
Sec. 926. General personnel authorities.
Sec. 927. Authorization of appropriations.
Subtitle C—Miscellaneous Provisions
Sec. 931. Energy diplomacy and security within the Department of State.
Sec. 932. National Security Council reorganization.
Sec. 933. Annual national energy security strategy report.
Sec. 934. Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage contingent
cost allocation.
Sec. 935. Transparency in extractive industries resource payments.

Sec. 1001. Short title.
Sec. 1002. Energy efficiency and renewable energy worker training program.


Subtitle A—Department of Transportation
Sec. 1101. Office of Climate Change and Environment.

Subtitle B—Railroads

Sec. 1111. Advanced technology locomotive grant pilot program.
Sec. 1112. Capital grants for class II and class III railroads.
Subtitle C—Marine Transportation
Sec. 1121. Short sea transportation initiative.
Sec. 1122. Short sea shipping eligibility for capital construction fund.
Sec. 1123. Short sea transportation report.
Subtitle D—Highways
Sec. 1131. Increased Federal share for CMAQ projects.
Sec. 1132. Distribution of rescissions.
Sec. 1133. Sense of Congress regarding use of complete streets design techniques.

Sec. 1201. Express loans for renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Sec. 1202. Pilot program for reduced 7(a) fees for purchase of energy efficient technologies.
Sec. 1203. Small business energy efficiency.
Sec. 1204. Larger 504 loan limits to help business develop energy efficient technologies
and purchases.
Sec. 1205. Energy saving debentures.
Sec. 1206. Investments in energy saving small businesses.
Sec. 1207. Renewable fuel capital investment company.
Sec. 1208. Study and report.


Sec. 1301. Statement of policy on modernization of electricity grid.
Sec. 1302. Smart grid system report.
Sec. 1303. Smart grid advisory committee and smart grid task force.
Sec. 1304. Smart grid technology research, development, and demonstration.
Sec. 1305. Smart grid interoperability framework.
Sec. 1306. Federal matching fund for smart grid investment costs.
Sec. 1307. State consideration of smart grid.
Sec. 1308. Study of the effect of private wire laws on the development of combined
heat and power facilities.
Sec. 1309. DOE study of security attributes of smart grid systems.

Sec. 1401. Short title.
Sec. 1402. Findings.
Sec. 1403. Definitions.
Sec. 1404. Federal swimming pool and spa drain cover standard.
Sec. 1405. State swimming pool safety grant program.
Sec. 1406. Minimum State law requirements.
Sec. 1407. Education program.

The whole 310 page bill

AGNI Inc buys GenCell - or - Combined Heat and Power HP Buys a Fuel Cell Maker

on Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Agni Inc has acquired Connecticut based GenCell Corporation, a Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (MCFC) developer and manufacturer, to complement AGNI’s Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) and biomass / waste-to-energy technology, in its bid to expand into the North American market.

  • GenCell’s high temperature molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) capabilities are well suited for integration in many AGNI renewable energy systems.
  • AGNI’s technology converts a wide range of biomass, biogas, or fossil fuels to hydrogen, producing electricity through its PEMFC based Integrated Fuel Cell Engine power generation block.
  • GenCell’s technology includes a cost-effective fuel cell design that will provide AGNI with more efficient, environmentally-friendly power generation.
  • GenCell has a proprietary fuel cell stack architecture that is "designed for manufacture" to reduce fuel cell cost and improve reliability, which in turn helps make fuel cells more economical and environmentally attractive.

Additionally, AGNI will now leverage its new wholly-owned subsidiary company, "AGNI GenCell Inc.", to penetrate the large and growing North American market for distributed generation and renewable energy.

  • AGNI's range of power generation technologies enable significantly more efficient electrical power production, along with the recovery of excess heat which may be converted into hot water, steam and chilled water for air-conditioning or to produce even more electrical power.
  • Its technology can also be configured to produce potable water as a by-product and to recover CO2, therefore without emitting hazardous greenhouse gases.

Source: Fuel Cell Today

How fuel Reformers Work

on Monday, January 12, 2009

Reforming Methanol

The molecular formula for methanol is CH3OH. The goal of the reformer is to remove as much of the hydrogen (H) as possible from this molecule, while minimizing the emission of pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO).
The process starts with the

  • vaporization of liquid methanol and water
  • Heat produced in the reforming process is used to accomplish this.
  • This mixture of methanol and water vapor is passed through a heated chamber that contains a catalyst.
  • As the methanol molecules hit the catalyst, they split into carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen gas (H2):
    CH3OH => CO + 2H2
  • The water vapor splits into hydrogen gas and oxygen;
  • this oxygen combines with the CO to form CO2.

In this way, very little CO is released, as most of it is converted to CO2.

H2O + CO => CO2 + H2

Reforming Natural Gas

Natural gas, which is composed mostly of methane (CH4), is processed using a similar reaction.

The methane in the natural gas reacts with water vapor to form carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases.
CH4 + H2O => CO + 3H2

Just as it does when reforming methanol, the water vapor splits into hydrogen gas and oxygen, the oxygen combining with the CO to form CO2.

H2O + CO => CO2 + H2

  • Neither of these reactions are perfect; some methanol or natural gas and carbon monoxide make it through without reacting.
  • These are burned in the presence of a catalyst, with a little air to supply oxygen.
  • This converts most of the remaining CO to CO2, and the remaining methanol to CO2 and water.

Various other devices may be used to clean up any other pollutants, such as sulfur, that may be in the exhaust stream.

It is important to eliminate the carbon monoxide from the exhaust stream for two reasons:

  • First, if the CO passes through the fuel cell, the performance and life of the fuel cell are reduced;
  • second, it is a regulated pollutant, so cars are only allowed to produce small amounts of it.

How the Fuel Processor and Fuel Cell Work Together

In order to create power, several systems must work together to provide the required electrical output. A typical system would consist of an electrical load (such as a house, or an electric motor), a fuel cell and a fuel processor.

Let's take the case of a fuel-cell-powered car. When you step on the gas (hydrogen) pedal, several things happen at about the same time:

  • The electric motor controller starts supplying more current to the electric motor, and the electric motor generates more torque.
  • In the fuel cell, more hydrogen is reacted, producing more electrons, which make their way through the electric motor and controller, keeping up with the increased power demand.
  • The fuel processor starts pumping more methanol though its system, which creates more hydrogen.
  • Another pump increases the flow of hydrogen going to the fuel cell.

The Downside of Fuel Processors

Fuel processors also have drawbacks, including pollution and overall fuel efficiency.


Although fuel processors can provide hydrogen gas to a fuel cell while producing much less pollution than an internal combustion engine, they still produce a significant amount of carbon dioxide (CO2). Although this gas is not a regulated pollutant, it is suspected of contributing to global warming.

If pure hydrogen is used in a fuel cell, the only byproduct is water (in the form of steam). No CO2 or any other gas is emitted.

But because fuel-cell-powered cars that use fuel processors emit small amounts of regulated pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, they will not qualify as zero emissions vehicles (ZEVs) under California's emissions laws.

Right now, the main technologies that qualify as ZEVs are the battery-powered electric car and the hydrogen-powered fuel-cell car.

Instead of trying to improve fuel processors to the point where they will emit no regulated pollutants, some companies are working on novel ways to store or produce hydrogen on the vehicle.

  • Ovonic is developing a metal hydride storage device that absorbs hydrogen somewhat like a sponge absorbs water.
  • This eliminates the need for high-pressure storage tanks, and can increase the amount of hydrogen that can be stored on a vehicle.

Another downside of the fuel processor is that it decreases the overall efficiency of the fuel-cell car. The fuel processor uses heat and pressure to aid the reactions that split out the hydrogen.

  • Depending on the types of fuel used, and the efficiency of the fuel cell and fuel processor, the efficiency improvement over conventional gasoline-powered cars can be fairly small.

More From Pre Rack Fuel Processor

Green" billboard ready to light up Times Square
Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:42am EST

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The world's first billboard running solely on wind and solar power is ready to make its debut in the capital of all billboards -- New York's Times Square.
Wind whistling between the neighborhood's skyscrapers should keep the giant billboard lit constantly, said the manufacturer, Japanese copy and photo giant Ricoh Company Ltd.
The "Eco-Board" weighs 35,000 pounds (15,800 kg) and will be powered by 16 vertical wind turbines and 64 solar panels.

"We wanted to make a statement that we can put up a advertisement and not impact the environment, so that began the journey to Times Square," Ricoh spokesman Ron Potesky said.
A highly congested part of midtown Manhattan, Times Square is home to hundreds of huge, brightly lit billboards and video screens.

Potesky said the power generated from the custom-built wind turbines will account for 95 percent of the energy needed to run the sign, which is 47 feet high by 126 feet long, and carries the company's name in huge red letters.

"On the corner of 42nd (Street) and 7th (Avenue) there is a lot of wind. So we expect that this will be lit 24 hours a day seven days a week, mainly by wind power, a little bit by the sun," he said.

The turbines, built specifically for the project by California wind technology company PacWind LLC, are installed vertically. PacWind CEO Mary Watkins said the design was extremely efficient in comparison to traditional propeller types.
"They make more energy than typical turbines, traditional style, because they can spin for longer amounts of time," she said in an interview.

"When other turbines have to stop spinning because the wind is too high, our turbines can keep going and the higher the wind the more power they produce."
But Potesky said the project is not cheap, costing in excess of $1 million for the technology and installation alone.

"Yes we are spending money. We are spending money on Times Square property and we are paying for the technology, but we are not paying for energy," Potesky said.
"That billboard will be lit by the wind and the sun and that will be free. So we think there is a long-term payback but a short-term investment."

The largest environmental factor and the biggest difference between Ricoh's board and its neighbors' in Times Square is what it will not be producing -- 18 tons (16 metric tons) of carbon annually.

Full Article from Reuters

Connecticute Regualtion May hold up Fuel Cell Deployment

December 21, 2008

If fuel cells are going to be the energy technology of the future, the state may have to
jettison the regulatory mindset of the past. State energy regulators may stop the largest
residential construction project in the state from using a Connecticut-made fuel cell to
power the building.

The project in question is 360 State St., a 32-story, 500-unit apartment building under
construction across from the State Street train station in New Haven. The building will
contain retail space, including a fitness center and a grocery, and enclosed parking for
500 cars. At nearly 700,000 square feet, it may be the largest single residential building
ever built in the state. Developer Bruce Becker also planned to make it the greenest.
Becker has included 20 energy-saving technologies — a green roof, double-glazed
windows and other features — and hopes to power the building with a 400-kilowatt fuel
cell made by UTC Power of South Windsor. He said if it all comes together, the
skyscraper will be the first residential building in Connecticut to achieve Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Certification from the U.S. Green
Building Council.

The tricky part is the fuel cell. The project received a $900,000 grant from the
Connecticut Clean Energy Fund to help pay for the power-generating device. The grant
would cover slightly more than half the cost. To pay for the rest, and to maintain the fuel
cell, Becker proposed a plan he used for a similarly sized building called "The Octagon"
he built four years ago on Roosevelt Island in New York City.

Basically, he wants to generate electricity for the building from the fuel cell, and charge the tenants what they would pay if they weregetting the juice from United Illuminating, the local utility.

The building would still have a relationship with UI, to whom it would sell excess generation or buy power if it was needed for summer peak periods. Becker, as landlord, would have one "master meter" for UI. He would install "sub meters" for all the tenants.

This seemingly sensible idea needed approval from the state Department of Public Utility Control. It went before a hearing in September. On Dec.11, the DPUC issued a draft decision turning down the proposal. Master metering, as this arrangement is sometimes called,
has been historically unpopular with regulators. Traditionally, landlords have simply split
the cost of electricity in a building among the tenants. Thus, individual tenants were not
rewarded for conserving electricity, so tended to use and pay more for power.
But Becker said new technology allows each tenant to be accurately billed for only the
power that is used, and for a disinterested third party to monitor the billing. This, he said,
is what is done in New York.

But not in Connecticut. Here, master metering is allowed in marina slips and
campgrounds, and has been allowed in some residential contexts, such as subsidized
senior housing. But the department ruled that Becker's proposal didn't qualify "under

The department said it did not have the authority to create de facto utility companies,
which it does not have the capacity to regulate. The commission also said the proposal
would involve resale of electricity for profit, which is not allowed.

The decision says Becker can achieve the benefits of fuel cell technology by having the
utility buy back the excess power he generates, as a 2007 state law requires. Becker
said the rates of reimbursement under that arrangement are not high enough to cover the
cost of deploying the fuel cell.

This is a preliminary decision. The parties must return for oral arguments, after which it
could change. If the DPUC is interpreting present law correctly, and I have no reason to
think otherwise, then the law has not kept up with technology and needs to be changed,
muy pronto. Otherwise we will have the absurd situation of the legislature and some
state agencies encouraging developers to use fuel cell technology and another state
agency telling them they can't.

Becker hopes to have the DPUC change its mind. If the ruling stands, he said he may
appeal to the courts or ask for legislative relief. Failing that, he said he will be forced to
either abandon the fuel cell idea or use a much smaller cell.

That would be a shameful loss. The legislature has encouraged fuel cells and on-site or
"distributed" generation for many good reasons. Fuel cells are a highly efficient and
extremely clean form of power. Distributed generation lessens power line congestion, a
chronic problem here, and improves energy security.

On the other hand, the new technology has to be implemented without putting distribution
companies such as UI and their customers at risk of higher costs or service changes. So
it's complicated. But it must be worked out.

Whole Article @ Curant.com

Fuel Maker Corporation

on Saturday, January 10, 2009

FuelMaker manufactures, distributes, installs and services their Vehicle Refueling Appliances (VRA) and accessories for fueling vehicles powered by CNG.

  • We have been providing refueling infrastructure solutions for over twelve years. With over 8,000 VRAs sold worldwide, FuelMaker is a leader in the alternative fuels industry.
  • The FuelMaker System is established as the benchmark VRA with 94 international patents and a state-of-the-art patented natural gas compressor that can be installed almost anywhere.

Our VRA is targeted at small to medium sized fleets of commercial vehicles, in-plant vehicles, such as forklifts and ice cleaners, other specialty vehicles and smaller vehicle populations.

The FuelMaker System's design has the flexibility to fuel vehicles quickly (Fast-Fill) or over a period of time (Time-Fill), as required. The result is an efficient fueling system that meets the widespread customer demands of convenience, practicality and low cost.

FuelMaker Corporation

70 Worcester Road

Toronto ON M9W 5X2

Tel: 416-674-3034

Fax: 416-674-3042

1-877-FUELMAKER (383-5625)cdninfo@fuelmaker.com

FuelMaker Corporation

3109 Normandy Drive

McKinney, TX 75070

Tel: 972-542-2002

Fax: 972-542-29401-800-898-FUEL (3835)


Technical Support (North America)
1-800-263-8569 techsupport@fuelmaker.com
( Outside North America )

FuelMaker Corporation

70 Worcester Road

Toronto ON M9W 5X2

CANADAFax: +1 416 674 3042

+1 416 674 3034 x210 sales@fuelmaker.com
Technical Support (International)
+1 416 674 3034 x258 techsupport@fuelmaker.com


Biomethane Technologies, LLC.

on Thursday, January 8, 2009

Biomethane Technologies, LLC.The Leader in Anaerobic Digesters, Biogas Plants, and Biogas-to-Biomethane TechnologiesProviding Consulting, Engineering, Feasibility Studies & Turnkey Project Development Services
Home Contact Us Links
For more information:
(832) 758 - 0027
info @ AnaerobicDigester.com

Thermophotovoltaic (TPV)

energy conversion is a direct conversion process from heat differentials to electricity via photons. A basic thermophotovoltaic system consists of a thermal emitter and a photovoltaic diode cell.

  • The temperature of the thermal emitter varies between different systems from about 900 °C to about 1300 °C, although in principle TPV devices can extract energy from any emitter with temperature elevated above that of the photovoltaic device (forming an optical heat engine).
  • The emitter can be a piece of solid material or a specially engineered structure. A conventional solar cell is effectively a TPV device in which the Sun functions as the emitter.
  • Thermal emission is the spontaneous emission of photons due to thermal motion of charges in the material.
  • For normal TPV temperatures, this radiation is mostly at near infrared and infrared frequencies.
  • The photovoltaic diodes can absorb some of these radiated photons and convert them into free charge carriers, that is electricity.

Thermophotovoltaic systems have few, if any, moving parts and are therefore very quiet and require low maintenance. These properties make thermophotovoltaic systems suitable for remote-site and portable electricity-generating applications.

Their efficiecny -cost properties, however, are often rather poor compared to other electricity-generating technologies.

Current research in the area aims at increasing the system efficiencies while keeping the system cost low.

  • In the design of a TPV system, it is usually desired to match the thermal emission's optical properties (wavelength, polarization, direction) with the most efficient conversion characteristics of the photovoltaic cell, since unconverted thermal emission is a major source of inefficiency.
  • Most groups focus on Gallium Antimonide (GaSb) cells. Germanium (Ge) is also suitable. [1] Much research and development in TPVs therefore concerns methods for controlling the emitter's properties.
  • Many attribute the idea of this system to the French scientist Pierre Aigrain (1956).
    TPV cells have often been proposed as auxiliary power conversion devices for regeneration of lost heat in other power generation systems, such as steam turbine systems or solar cells.

A protoype TPV hybrid car was even built. The "Viking 29" [2] was the World’s first thermophotovoltaic (TPV) powered automobile, designed and built by the Vehicle Research Institute (VRI) at Western Washington University.

TPV research is a very active area. Among others, the University of Houston TPV Radioisotope Power Conversion Technology development effort is aiming at combining thermophotovoltaic cell concurrently with thermocouples to provide a 3 to 4-fold improvement in system efficiency over current thermoelectric radioisotope generators.

Organic Rankine Cycle 101

Unlike the traditional steam Rankine cycle, the organic Rankine cycle (ORC) uses a high molecular mass organic fluid. It allows heat recovery from low temperature sources such as industrial waste heat, geothermal heat, solar ponds, etc. The low temperature heat is converted into useful work, that can itself be converted into electricity. A prototype was first developed and exhibited in 1961 by Israeli solar engineers Harry Zvi Tabor and Lucien Bronicki.[1][2]

Working principle of the ORC

T-s diagram for the ideal/real ORC
The working principle of the organic Rankine cycle is the same as that of the Rankine cycle : the working fluid is pumped to a boiler where it is evaporated, passes through a turbine and is finally re-condensed.

In the ideal cycle, the expansion is isentropic and the evaporation and condensation processes are isobaric.

In the real cycle, the presence of irreversibilities lowers the cycle efficiency. Those irreversibilities mainly occur :

During the expansion : Only a part of the energy recoverable from the pressure difference is transformed into useful work. The other part is converted into heat and is lost. The efficiency of the expander is defined by comparison with an isentropic expansion.

In the heat exchangers : The sinuous way taken by the working fluid in order to ensure a good heat exchange causes pressure drops, and lowers the amount of power recoverable from the cycle.

Improvement of the organic Rankine cycle

ORC with Regenerator
In the case of a "dry fluid", the cycle can be improved by the use of a regenerator : Since the fluid has not reached the two-phase state at the end of the expansion, its temperature at this point is higher than the condensing temperature. This higher temperature fluid can be used to preheat the liquid before it enters the evaporator.
A counter-flow heat exchanger is thus installed between the expander outlet and the evaporator inlet. The power required from the heat source is therefore reduced and the efficiency is increased.

Applications for the ORC
The possible applications for the organic Rankine cycle technology are multiple. Among them, the most widespread and promising fields are the following:

  • Waste heat recovery
    Waste heat recovery is without doubt the most important development field for the ORC. It can be applied to heat and power plants (for example a small scale cogeneration plant on a domestic water heater), or to industrial and farming processes such as organic products fermentation, hot exhausts from ovens or furnaces, exhaust gases from vehicles, intercooling of a compressor, condenser of a power cycle, etc.[3]
  • Biomass power plant
    Biomass is available all over the world and can be used for the production of electricity on small to medium size scaled power plants. The problem of high specific investment costs for machinery such as steam boilers are overcome due to the low working pressures in ORC power plants. Also the ORC process helps to overcome the relatively small amount of input fuel in most of the regions possible for biomass energy production since an efficient working of ORC power plants is possible on small size plants.[4]
  • Geothermal plants
    Geothermic heat sources vary in temperature from 50 to 350°C. The ORC is therefore perfectly adapted for this kind of application. However, it is important to keep in mind that for low-temperature geothermal sources (typically less than 100°C), the efficiency is very low and depends strongly on heat sink temperature (defined by the ambient temperature).
  • Solar thermal power
    The organic Rankine cycle can be used in the solar parabolic trough technology in place of the usual steam Rankine cycle. The ORC allows a lower collector temperature, a better collecting efficiency (reduced ambient losses) and hence the possibility of reducing the size of the solar field.[5][6]

    Choice of the working fluid

  • The selection of the working fluid is of key importance in low temperature Rankine Cycles. Because of the low temperature, heat transfer inefficiencies are highly prejudicial. These inefficiencies depend very strongly on the thermodynamic characteristics of the fluid and on the operating conditions.
  • In order to recover low-grade heat, the fluid generally has a lower boiling temperature than water. Refrigerants and hydrocarbons are the two commonly used components.
    Optimal characteristics of the working fluid :

Isentropic saturation vapor curve :

Since the purpose of the ORC focuses on the recovery of low grade heat power, a superheated approach like the traditional Rankine cycle is not appropriate.

Therefore, a small superheating at the exhaust of the evaporator will always be preferred, which disadvantages "wet" fluids (that are in two-phase state at the end of the expansion).

In the case of dry fluids, a regenerator should be used.
Low freezing point, high stability temperature :

Unlike water, organic fluids usually suffer chemical deteriorations and decomposition at high temperatures.

The maximum hot source temperature is thus limited by the chemical stability of the working fluid. The freezing point should of course be lower than the lowest temperature in the cycle.
High heat of vaporisation and density :

A fluid with a high latent heat and density will absorb more energy from the source in the evaporator and thus reduce the required flow rate, the size of the facility, and the pump consumption.

Low environmental impact

The main parameters taken into account are the Ozone depletion potential (ODP) and the global warming potential (GWP).

The fluid should to be non-corrosive, non-flammable, and non-toxic. The ASHRAE safety classification of refrigerants can be used as an indicator of the fluid dangerousness level.
Good availability and low cost

More from Wikipedia

Green Venture Capital Resulted in Significant 2008 Growth for the Sector

on Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Green-tech venture capital funding soared last year, aided by megadeals in thin-film solar companies, according to preliminary figures released Tuesday by the Cleantech Group.

Cleantech Group's senior research director, Brian Fan, said in a statement:
2008 saw solar take a 40 percent share of clean-technology venture investment dollars, led by mega investment rounds in thin-film solar, concentrated solar thermal, and solar-service provider companies.


  • Investors also continued to migrate from first-generation ethanol and biodiesel technologies to next-generation biofuels technologies, led by algae and synthetic biology companies.
  • Other sectors with healthy investor interest included smart-grid companies, small-scale wind turbines, plastics recycling, green buildings, and agriculture technologies.
  • Following solar-energy firms in attracting VC dollars were companies specializing in biofuels such as ethanol, biodiesel, synthetic biology, and algae. The sector captured 11 percent of green-tech venture investments last year
  • transportation companies, such as makers of electric vehicles, advanced batteries, and fuel cells, accounted for 9.5 percent.

United States-based companies raised the most green-tech venture funding, landing $5.8 billion among 241 disclosed investments. This group also posted the largest gain last year, marking a 58 percent funding increase over the previous period.

European and Israeli companies followed, raising $1.8 billion amid 146 disclosed rounds, marking a 47 percent increase.

Chinese companies raised a total of $430 million in green-tech investments in 18 rounds, marking a 22 percent increase over the previous year. And Indian companies landed $277 million in 14 disclosed deals, a 20 percent increase.

And while green-tech venture investments were up for the year, preliminary fourth-quarter results marked a downturn from last year and the previous quarter, according to the report.
The fourth quarter accounted for $1.7 billion worldwide, down 4 percent from last year during the same period and a 35 percent decline sequentially.

Full Article @ CNET

Solar Thermal Animation

on Friday, January 2, 2009

Animation Link

Solar Panel Manufacturing

Fuel Cell Animation

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