Energy Efficient Home Credit IRC

on Friday, November 21, 2008

Energy Efficient Home Credit IRC Sec. 45L

and List of Eligible Software Programs for Certification

For a homebuilder to qualify for the New Energy Efficient Home Credit under IRC Sec. 45L, they must receive a certification that the dwelling unit has met the energy savings requirements of Sec. 45L.

  • An eligible certifier must use an approved Software Program to calculate the dwelling unit’s energy consumption for purposes of Sec. 45L.
  • Sec. 45L provides a $2,000 credit for a traditional free-standing home and either a $1,000 or $2,000 credit for a manufactured home depending on the level of energy savings achieved.
    Note: These provisions, originally set to expire 12/31/2007, have been extended through 12/31/2008 as set forth in the Tax Relief & Health Care Act of 2006.

IRS Notice 2006-27 (Section 5) and Notice 2006-28 (Section 6) provide for the Service to create and maintain a list of software programs that have been accepted by the Service for use in computing energy consumption for the purpose of certifications under Sec. 45L.

Eligible Software Programs

  • EnergyGauge® USA version 2.5EnergyGauge® USA version 2.6
    Florida Solar Energy Center
    Tei Kucharski
  • REM/Rate v.12.2REM/Rate v.12.3REM/Rate v.12.4REM/Rate v.12.5
    Architectural Energy Corporation
    David Roberts, P.E.
    Architectural Energy Corporation
    Enercomp, Inc.
    Ken Nittler and Robert Scott
  • Builder Energy Solutions Calculator
    Owens Corning
    Dwight Shuler
    Owens Corning
  • EnergyPro v4.4
    Energy Soft
    Martyn Dodd
    Energy Soft

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