Take a Load Off Texas - Encor Incentives

on Wednesday, November 19, 2008


  • Oncor is theLargest Grid Provider in Texas, Covering over 400 Cities
  • The State of Texas Has set energy demand reduction goals during electric utility deregulation in Texas (Texas Senate Bill 7 )
  • In it, Oncor is required to achieve a 10 percent reduction in annual system demand growth in 2008; By 2009 the goal will grow to 20% of annual system demand.
    Take a Load off Texas Video Clip

Here are a list of their current Incentives

For Homes
We offer five programs for residents of Oncor's service area:

For more information, please call 1.866.728.3674 or email eecustinfo@oncor.com.
Take a Load Off, Texas 2008 Tour

The Rest @ Oncor


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